fits_headers ============ EffectsMetaKeywords +++++++++++++++++++ Adds meta dictionary info from all Effects to the FITS headers. Parameters ---------- ext_number : int, list of ints, optional Default 0. The numbers of the extensions to which the header keywords should be added add_excluded_effects : bool, optional Default False. Add meta dict for effects with ``.include=False`` keyword_prefix : str, optional Default "HIERARCH SIM". Custom FITS header keyword prefix. Effect meta dict entries will appear in the header as: `` EFFn : `` Examples -------- Yaml file entry: :: name: effect_dumper class: EffectsMetaKeywords description: adds all effects meta dict entries to the FITS header kwargs: ext_number: [0, 1] add_excluded_effects: False keyword_prefix: HIERARCH SIM ExtraFitsKeywords +++++++++++++++++ Extra FITS header keywords to be added to the pipeline FITS files. These keywords are ONLY for keywords that should be MANUALLY ADDED to the headers after a simulation is read-out by the detector. Simulation parameters (Effect kwargs values, etc) will be added automatically by ScopeSim in a different function, but following this format. The dictionaries should be split into different HIERARCH lists, e.g.: - HIERARCH ESO For ESO specific keywords - HIERARCH SIM For ScopeSim specific keywords, like simulation parameters - HIERARCH MIC For MICADO specific keywords, (unsure what these would be yet) More HIERARCH style keywords can also be added as needed for other use-cases. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Name of a .yaml nested dictionary file. See below for examples yaml_string : str, optional A triple-" string containing the contents of a yaml file header_dict : nested dicts, optional A series of nested python dictionaries following the format of the examples below. This keyword allows these dicts to be definied directly in the Effect yaml file, rather than in a seperate header keywords file. Examples -------- Specifying the extra FITS keywords directly in the .yaml file where the Effect objects are described. :: name: extra_fits_header_entries class: ExtraFitsKeywords kwargs: header_dict: - ext_type: PrimaryHDU keywords: HIERARCH: ESO: ATM: TEMPERAT: -5 The contents of ``header_dict`` can also be abstracted away into a seperate file, e.g. ``extra_FITS_keys.yaml``. The file format is described below in detail below. :: name: extra_fits_header_entries class: ExtraFitsKeywords kwargs: filename: extra_FITS_keys.yaml The Effect can be added directly in an iPython session. :: >>> hdr_dic = {"ext_type": "PrimaryHDU", "keywords": {"HIERARCH": {"SIM": {"hello": world} } } } >>> extra_keys = ExtraFitsKeywords(header_dict=hdr_dic) >>> optical_train.optics_manager.add_effect(extra_keys) Yaml file format ---------------- This document is a yaml document. Hence all new keywords should be specified in the form of yaml nested dictionaries. As each ``astropy.HDUList`` contains one or more extensions, the inital level is reserved for a list of keyword groups. For example:: - ext_type: PrimaryHDU keywords: HIERARCH: ESO: ATM: TEMPERAT: -5 - ext_number: [1, 2] keywords: HIERARCH: ESO: DET: DIT: [5, '[s] exposure length'] # example of adding a comment EXTNAME: "DET§.DATA" # example of extension specific qualifier The keywords can be added to one or more extensions, based on one of the following ``ext_`` qualifiers: ``ext_name``, ``ext_number``, ``ext_type`` Each of these ``ext_`` qualifiers can be a ``str`` or a ``list``. For a list, ScopeSim will add the keywords to all extensions matching the specified type/name/number The number of the extension can be used in a value by using the "§" string. That is, keyword values with "§" with have the extension number inserted where the "§" is. The above example (``EXTNAME: "DET§.DATA"``) will result in the following keyword added only to extensions 1 and 2: - PrimaryHDU (ext 0):: header['HIERARCH ESO ATM TEMPERAT'] = -5 - Extension 1 (regardless of type):: header['HIERARCH ESO DET DIT'] = (5, '[s] exposure length') header['EXTNAME'] = "DET1.DATA" - Extension 2 (regardless of type):: header['HIERARCH ESO DET DIT'] = (5, '[s] exposure length') header['EXTNAME'] = "DET2.DATA" Resolved and un-resolved keywords --------------------------------- ScopeSim uses bang-strings to resolve global parameters. E.g: ``from_currsys('!ATMO.temperature')`` will resolve to a float These bang-strings will be resolved automatically in the ``keywords`` dictionary section. If the keywords bang-string should instead remain unresolved and the string added verbatim to the header, we use the ``unresolved_keywords`` dictionary section. Additionally, new functionality will be added to ScopeSim to resolve the kwargs/meta parameters of Effect objects. The format for this will be to use a new type: the hash-string. This will have this format:: #.. For example, the temperature of the MICADO detector array can be accessed by:: '#MICADO_DET.full_detector_array.temperature' In the context of the yaml file this would look like:: - ext_type: PrimaryHDU keywords: HIERARCH: ESO: DET TEMPERAT: '#MICADO_DET.full_detector_array.temperature' Obviously some though needs to be put into how exactly we list the simulation parameters in a coherent manner. But this is 'Zukunftsmusik'. For now we really just want an interface that can add the ESO header keywords, which can also be expanded in the future for our own purposes. Below is an example of some extra keywords for MICADO headers:: - ext_type: PrimaryHDU keywords: HIERARCH: ESO: ATM: TEMPERAT: '!ATMO.temperature' # will be resolved via from_currsys PWV: '!ATMO.pwv' SEEING: 1.2 DAR: VALUE: '#.' # will be resolved via effects DPR: TYPE: 'some_type' SIM: random_simulation_keyword: some_value MIC: micado_specific: ['keyword', 'keyword comment'] unresolved_keywords: HIERARCH: ESO: ATM: TEMPERAT: '!ATMO.temperature' # will be left as a string - ext_type: ImageHDU keywords: HIERARCH: SIM: hello: world hallo: welt grias_di: woed zdrasviute: mir salud: el mundo SimulationConfigFitsKeywords ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adds parameters from all config dictionaries to the FITS headers. Parameters ---------- ext_number : int, list of ints, optional Default 0. The numbers of the extensions to which the header keywords should be added resolve : bool Default True. If True, all !-strings and #-strings are resolved via ``from_currsys`` before being add to the header. If False, the unaltered !-strings or #-strings are added to the header. keyword_prefix : str, optional Default "HIERARCH SIM". Custom FITS header keyword prefix. Effect meta dict entries will appear in the header as: `` SRCn : `` Examples -------- Yaml file entry: :: name: source_descriptor class: SimulationConfigFitsKeywords description: adds info from all config dicts to the FITS header kwargs: ext_number: [0] resolve: False keyword_prefix: HIERARCH SIM SourceDescriptionFitsKeywords +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adds parameters from all Source fields to the FITS headers. Parameters ---------- ext_number : int, list of ints, optional Default 0. The numbers of the extensions to which the header keywords should be added keyword_prefix : str, optional Default "HIERARCH SIM". Custom FITS header keyword prefix. Effect meta dict entries will appear in the header as: `` SRCn : `` Examples -------- Yaml file entry: :: name: source_descriptor class: SourceDescriptionFitsKeywords description: adds info from all Source fields to the FITS header kwargs: ext_number: [0] keyword_prefix: HIERARCH SIM