psfs ==== AnalyticalPSF +++++++++++++ .. warning: Empty docstring AnisocadoConstPSF +++++++++++++++++ Makes a SCAO on-axis PSF with a desired Strehl ratio at a given wavelength. To make the PSFs a map connecting Strehl, Wavelength, and residual wavefront error is required. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to Strehl map with axes (x, y) = (wavelength, wavefront error). strehl : float Desired Strehl ratio. Either percentage [1, 100] or fractional [1e-3, 1]. wavelength : float [um] The given strehl is valid for this wavelength. psf_side_length : int [pixel] Default is 512. Side length of the kernel images. offset : tuple [arcsec] SCAO guide star offset from centre (dx, dy). rounded_edges : bool Default is True. Sets all halo values below a threshold to zero. The threshold is determined from the max values of the edge rows of the kernel image. Other Parameters ---------------- convolve_mode : str ["same", "full"] convolution keywords from scipy.signal.convolve Examples -------- Add an AnisocadoConstPSF with code:: from scopesim.effects import AnisocadoConstPSF psf = AnisocadoConstPSF(filename="test_AnisoCADO_rms_map.fits", strehl=0.5, wavelength=2.15, convolve_mode="same", psf_side_length=512) Add an AnisocadoConstPSF to a yaml file:: effects: - name: Ks_Stehl_40_PSF description: A 40% Strehl PSF over the field of view class: AnisocadoConstPSF kwargs: filename: "test_AnisoCADO_rms_map.fits" strehl: 0.5 wavelength: 2.15 convolve_mode: full psf_side_length: 512 DiscretePSF +++++++++++ .. warning: Empty docstring FieldConstantPSF ++++++++++++++++ A PSF that is constant across the field. For spectroscopy, a wavelength-dependent PSF cube is built, where for each wavelength the reference PSF is scaled proportional to wavelength. FieldVaryingPSF +++++++++++++++ TBA. Parameters ---------- sub_pixel_flag : bool, optional flux_accuracy : float, optional Default 1e-3. Level of flux conservation during rescaling of kernel GaussianDiffractionPSF ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. warning: Empty docstring NonCommonPathAberration +++++++++++++++++++++++ TBA. Needed: pixel_scale Accepted: kernel_width, strehl_drift PSF +++ .. warning: Empty docstring SeeingPSF +++++++++ Currently only returns gaussian kernel with a ``fwhm`` [arcsec]. Parameters ---------- fwhm : flaot [arcsec] SemiAnalyticalPSF +++++++++++++++++ .. warning: Empty docstring Vibration +++++++++ Creates a wavelength independent kernel image.