shifts ====== AtmosphericDispersion +++++++++++++++++++++ Used to generate the wavelength bins based on shifts due to the atmosphere. Doesn't contain an ``apply_to`` function, but provides information through the ``fov_grid`` function. Required Parameters ------------------- airmass : float Recommended to use "!OBS.airmass" in the OBS properties temperature : float [degC] Recommended to use "!ATMO.temperature" in the ATMO properties humidity : float [0..1] Recommended to use "!ATMO.humidity" in the ATMO properties pressure : float [bar] Recommended to use "!ATMO.pressure" in the ATMO properties latitude : float [deg] Recommended to use "!ATMO.latitude" in the ATMO properties altitude [m] Recommended to use "!ATMO.altitude" in the ATMO properties pixel_scale [arcsec] Recommended to use "!INST.pixel_scale" in the INST properties Optional Parameters ------------------- wave_min : float [um] Defaults to "!SIM.spectral.wave_min" wave_mid : float [um] Defaults to "!SIM.spectral.wave_mid" wave_max : float [um] Defaults to "!SIM.spectral.wave_max" sub_pixel_fraction : float [0..1] Defaults to "!SIM.sub_pixel.fraction" num_steps : int Default: 1000. Number of wavelength steps to use when interpolating the atmospheric dispersion curve AtmosphericDispersionCorrection +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alters the position on the detector for a FOV object (WCS_prefix="D"). Only acts on FOVs during the main effects loop in OpticalTrain. For the sake of computational efficiency, the ADC can be instructed to counteract the atmospheric diffraction during the OpticalTrain setup phase, by passing the kwarg: ``quick_adc=True`` Parameters ---------- kwargs Shift3D +++++++ .. warning: Empty docstring