.. image:: _static/logos/banner_red_transparent.png :width: 600 px :alt: Welcome to the ScopeSim Documentation! :align: center An attempt at creating a common pythonic framework for telescope instrument data simulators. ScopeSim_ is on pip:: pip install scopesim `ScopeSim templates`_ provides templates for creating on-sky sources:: pip install scopesim_templates .. warning:: July 2022: The downloadable content server was retired and the data migrated to a new server. ScopeSim v0.5.1 and above have been redirected to a new server URL. For older verions, please either upgrade to the latest version (``pip install --upgrade scopesim``), or follow these `instructions to update the server URL `_ in the config file. .. _ScopeSim: https://scopesim.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _`ScopeSim Templates`: https://scopesim-templates.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: getting_started examples/index 5_liners/index faqs/index effects_docstrings/index Reference API The ScopeSim python ecosystem ----------------------------- There are several packages in the ScopeSim_ ecosystem to be aware of: .. image:: _static/logos/all_AstarV.png :width: 700 px :alt: Welcome to the ScopeSim Documentation! :align: center * ScopeSim_: The engine behind the whole simulator * `ScopeSim Templates`_: A series of helper function to generate on-sky targets * `SpeXtra`_: A pythonic interface to many common astronomical spectra libraries * Pyckles_: Pythonic access to the Pickles (1998) spectral library and Brown (2014) spectral library * IRDB_: The Instrument Reference Database, where the instrument packages are stored * AnisoCADO_: For making SCAO PSF cubes that readable by ScopeSim * skycalc_ipy_: Connects to ESOs SkyCalc server to get atmospheric spectra * `How Many Photons`_: A simple package for quickly calculating the number of photons within a given astronomical filter .. _ScopeSim: https://scopesim.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _`ScopeSim Templates`: https://scopesim-templates.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _IRDB: https://github.com/astronomyk/irdb .. _AnisoCADO: https://anisocado.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _skycalc_ipy: https://skycalc-ipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _SpeXtra: https://spextra.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _Pyckles: https://scopesim-templates.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _`How Many Photons`: https://github.com/AstarVienna/HowManyBloodyPhotons/ .. note:: Much more information on these packages will be coming very soon! Contact ------- - For bugs, please add an `issue to the github repo `_ - For enquiries on implementing your own instrument package, please drop us a line at - `astar.astro@univie.ac.at `_ or - `kieran.leschinski@univie.ac.at `_ - For friendly chat, join the slack at https://join.slack.com/t/scopesim/shared_invite/zt-143s42izo-LnyqoG7gH5j~aGn51Z~4IA