Source code for scopesim.source.source_templates

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument

from synphot import SourceSpectrum, ConstFlux1D, Empirical1D
from synphot.units import PHOTLAM

from ..optics import image_plane_utils as ipu
from .source_utils import make_img_wcs_header
from .source import Source
from .. import rc

[docs]def empty_sky(flux=0): """ Returns an empty source so that instrumental fluxes can be simulated Returns ------- sky : Source """ sky = Source(lam=[0.3, 3.0]*, spectra=[flux, flux]*PHOTLAM, x=[0], y=[0], ref=[0], weight=[1]) return sky
[docs]@deprecated_renamed_argument("mag", "flux", "0.1.5") def star(x=0, y=0, flux=0): """ Source object for a single star in either vega, AB magnitudes, or Jansky The star is associated with the reference spectrum for each photometric system, therefore a reference wavelength or filter does not need to be given Parameters ---------- x, y : float [arcsec] position from centre of field of view flux : float [vega mag, AB mag, Jy] Stellar brightness Returns ------- src : Source A source object with a single entry table field and a reference spectrum """ mag_unit = u.mag spec_template = vega_spectrum if isinstance(flux, u.Quantity): if flux.unit.physical_type == "spectral flux density": # ABmag and Jy mag_unit = u.ABmag spec_template = ab_spectrum flux = flux = flux.value spec = spec_template() w = 10**(-0.4 * flux) ref = 0 tbl = Table(data=[[x], [y], [w], [ref], [flux]], names=["x", "y", "weight", "ref", "mag"], units=[u.arcsec, u.arcsec, None, None, mag_unit]) tbl.meta["photometric_system"] = "vega" if mag_unit == u.mag else "ab" src = Source(spectra=spec, table=tbl) src.meta.update({"function_call": f"star({x=}, {y=}, {flux=})", "module": "scopesim.source.source_templates", "object": "star"}) return src
[docs]def star_field(n, mmin, mmax, width, height=None, use_grid=False): """ Creates a super basic field of stars with random positions and brightnesses Parameters ---------- n : int number of stars mmin, mmax : float, astropy.Quantity [mag, ABmag, Jy] min and max magnitudes/fluxes of the population stars. If floats, then assumed Quantity is vega magnitudes width : float [arcsec] width of region to put stars in height : float, optional [arcsec] if None, then height=width use_grid : bool, optional Place stars randomly or on a grid Returns ------- stars : scopesim.Source object A Source object with a field of stars that can be fed into the method: OpticalTrain.observe() See Also -------- OpticalTrain.observe OpticalTrain.readout """ if height is None: height = width mag_unit = u.mag spec_template = vega_spectrum if isinstance(mmin, u.Quantity): if mmin.unit.physical_type == "spectral flux density": # ABmag and Jy mag_unit = u.ABmag spec_template = ab_spectrum mmin, mmax =, mmin, mmax = mmin.value, mmax.value spec = spec_template() if rc.__config__["!SIM.random.seed"] is not None: np.random.seed(rc.__config__["!SIM.random.seed"]) if use_grid: nw = np.ceil(n**0.5) nh = np.ceil(n / nw) x, y = np.mgrid[0:1:1/nw, 0:1:1/nh] - 0.5 positions = x.flatten(), y.flatten() else: positions = np.random.random(size=(2, n)) - 0.5 x = width * positions[0] y = height * positions[1] mags = np.linspace(mmin, mmax, n) w = 10**(-0.4 * mags) ref = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) tbl = Table(data=[x, y, w, ref, mags], names=["x", "y", "weight", "ref", "mag"], units=[u.arcsec, u.arcsec, None, None, mag_unit]) tbl.meta["photometric_system"] = "vega" if mag_unit == u.mag else "ab" stars = Source(spectra=spec, table=tbl) return stars
[docs]def uniform_illumination(xs, ys, pixel_scale, flux=None, spectrum=None): """ Return a Source for a uniformly illuminated area Parameters ---------- xs, ys : list of float [arcsec] min and max extent of each dimension relative to FOV centre E.g. `xs=[-1, 1], ys=[5, 5.5]` pixel_scale : float [arcsec] flux : astropy.Quantity [mag, ABMag, Jy] Flux per arcsecond of the Source Returns ------- src : scopesim.Source Examples -------- A 200x200 uniform illumination Source at 1 Jy/arcsec2 :: src = uniform_illumination(xs=[-1,1], ys=[-1, 1], pixel_scale=0.01, flux=1*u.Jy) A source that extends just past the MICADO 15" slit dimensions with a flux of 10 mag/arcsec2 :: src = uniform_illumination(xs=[-8, 8], ys=[-0.03, 0.03], pixel_scale=0.004, flux=10*u.mag) Using a self made frequency-comb spectrum with 1 Jy lines ever 0.1µm :: import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from synphot import SourceSpectrum, Empirical1D wave = np.arange(0.7, 2.5, 0.001) * flux = np.zeros(len(wave)) flux[::100] = 1 * u.Jy spec = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points=wave, lookup_table=flux) src = uniform_illumination(xs=[-8, 8], ys=[-0.03, 0.03], pixel_scale=0.004, spectrum=spec) """ if flux is not None: mag_unit = u.mag spec_template = vega_spectrum if isinstance(flux, u.Quantity): if flux.unit.physical_type == "spectral flux density": # ABmag and Jy mag_unit = u.ABmag spec_template = ab_spectrum flux = flux = flux.value spec = spec_template() scale_factor = pixel_scale ** 2 * 10 ** (-0.4 * flux) elif spectrum is not None: spec = spectrum mag_unit = "PHOTLAM" scale_factor = pixel_scale ** 2 else: raise ValueError(f"Either flux or spectrum must be passed: {flux}, {spectrum}") hdr = ipu.header_from_list_of_xy(x=np.array(xs) / 3600., y=np.array(ys) / 3600., pixel_scale=pixel_scale / 3600.) data = scale_factor * np.ones([max(1, hdr["NAXIS2"]), max(1, hdr["NAXIS1"])]) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=hdr, data=data) hdu.header["SPEC_REF"] = 0 hdu.header["SPECMAG"] = 0 hdu.header["SPECUNIT"] = str(mag_unit) src = Source(image_hdu=hdu, spectra=[spec]) return src
[docs]def uniform_source(sp=None, extent=60): """ Simplified form of scopesim_templates.misc.uniform_source, mostly intended for testing This function creates an image with extend^2 pixels with pixel size of 1 arcsec^2 so provided amplitudes are in flux or magnitudes per arcsec^2 It accepts any synphot.SourceSpectrum compatible object sp : synphot.SourceSpectrum defaults to vega_spectrum() with magnitude 0 mag/arcsec2 extent : int, default 60 extension of the field in arcsec, will always produce a square field. Default value produces a field of 60x60 arcsec """ if sp is None: sp = vega_spectrum() data = np.ones(shape=(extent, extent)) header = make_img_wcs_header(pixel_scale=1, image_size=data.shape) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=header, data=data) src = Source(spectra=sp, image_hdu=hdu) return src
[docs]def vega_spectrum(mag=0): if isinstance(mag, u.Quantity): mag = mag.value # HACK: Turn Path object back into string, because not everything # that depends on this function can handle Path objects (yet) vega = SourceSpectrum.from_file(str(Path(rc.__pkg_dir__, "vega.fits"))) vega = vega * 10 ** (-0.4 * mag) return vega
[docs]def st_spectrum(mag=0): waves = np.geomspace(100, 300000, 50000) sp = ConstFlux1D(amplitude=mag*u.STmag) return SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points=waves, lookup_table=sp(waves))
[docs]def ab_spectrum(mag=0): waves = np.geomspace(100, 300000, 50000) sp = ConstFlux1D(amplitude=mag * u.ABmag) return SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points=waves, lookup_table=sp(waves))