Binding ScopeSim to a local copy of the IRDB

There may be cases where we would like to have a local copy of all the files and instruments available in the Instrument Reference Database (IRDB). In these cases it is helpful to bind out local version of ScopeSim to the IRDB. This is quite easy and involves only two steps:

  1. Make a local copy of the IRDB

  2. Tell ScopeSim where to find the IRDB

Make a local copy of the IRDB

First we must clone the current version of the IRDB from GitHub:

$ git clone


By default this will clone the master branch of the IRDB.

To clone a specific branch, either checkout the branch you want from origin after cloning master or specify the branch at clone time with:

$ git clone -b dev_master

Tell ScopeSim where to find the IRDB

By using runtime ScopeSim commands

At the beginning of any script or jupyter notebook we can run the following command to set the default location of the instrument packages: This is by far the simplest method, but it requires this lone of code in every script:

import scopesim
scopesim.rc.__config__["!SIM.file.local_packages_path"] = "<path/to/IRDB>"

By editing the ScopeSim config file

Find the defaults.yaml file in the top-level of the ScopeSim install directory. This should be here:



Depending on where ScopeSim is installed, we may need administrator permissions to edit this file.

On line 36 (or there abouts), we must replace the default path string (/inst_pkgs/) with the path to the top level of our cloned IRDB directory (wherever we chose to put it):

file :
  local_packages_path : "./inst_pkgs/"  # --> change this line to point to the top level of the local IRDB folder

This path can be relative or absolute. If a relative path is used, ScopeSim will look for instrument packages at this location relative to the directory where ScopeSim was executed (e.g. where the notebook session was started).